During 2003 – 2006!
He was Commissioner of Chennai Corporation from 2003 to 2006. His performance during his service as Commissioner is given below. Some reports regarding specific interventions are attached.
The staff of the maternity center of Chennai corporation had a tendency not to admit high-risk mothers as any intervention like a C-section would be risky. The hospital staff members were motivated and sensitized to treat all C- section interventions without referring them to tertiary hospitals. This resulted in a phenomenal increase in C-sections after 2003.
MTP (Medical Termination of Pregnancy)
In North Chennai’s urban slums, unwed mothers used to approach Corporation Maternity centers for MTP. The rules then prevailed and necessitated seeking details about family, husband, etc. The maternity center staff was sensitized about the maternal need to help poor unwed mothers with MTP. The result of such sensitivity was highly rewarding, as seen in the figures. When people started believing in the Maternity centers, the overall performance increased by leaps and bounds.
During the time of labor, normally mothers during their first pregnancy may require emotional support from an elderly woman family member. Such support will result in helping mothers deliver normally rather than going for surgery. In 2003, at Chennai Corp, the birth companion scheme was introduced. The data is tabulated below.
Corporation of Chennai